

And if I lose Train and Bus? List of Transfer Taxi

As I always said the hotel is easily accessible by public transport, Train and Bus. But what to do in an emergency? If you happen to miss the […]

An Olive Oil E.V.O of great quality: The Oil of Sin

Nella continua ricerca di eccellenze del territorio da proporre poi ai mie ospiti (ovviamente dopo averle testate personalmente), mi sono imbattuto in questo Olio di Oliva […]

Bottega dello Speziale: Products of Excellence

It is not easy to write in few words what “Bottega dello Speziale” is.  Bottega dello Speziale means high quality food products. It is a sustainable […]

Routes to do on foot or bike

For a healthy morning walk, before diving into the chaos of work or on a tourist day the Municipality of Colognola in the Hills offers these […]