An Olive Oil E.V.O of great quality: The Oil of Sin

An Olive Oil E.V.O of great quality: The Oil of Sin

Nella continua ricerca di eccellenze del territorio da proporre poi ai mie ospiti (ovviamente dopo averle testate personalmente), mi sono imbattuto in questo Olio di Oliva davvero eccellente e dal nome curioso!

The Oil of Sin

I am constantly searching for excellences of the territory in order to propose to my guests (of course after testing personally) and I came across this Olive oil really excellent and with a funny name!


Foto Bottiglie d'Olio del Peccato

Foto Bottiglie d’Olio del Peccato


It is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil of high quality, #organic #coldpressed, coming from Marcellise valley, a beautiful valley in the #eastofverona.

The one that made me fall in love with this oil is its taste and its history.

It  is an Olive oil with intense aroma and a strong and enveloping flavor. There are many varieties of olives in our area (in Italy more than 500!!!), but the oldest and precious one are the “nostrale” and the “gentile dalla grossa drupe”.

Thanks to the use of these varieties so little widespread and valuable, this oil has an uncommon high quality not easily to find in other products.

The second thing that made me literally go crazy with this product is its original name and its history. Because this has #astorytotell !!!

Now I explain why this name, “the Oil of the Sin”

Until the ’50s, in Verona ,  the farmlands were cultivated by tenant farmers, and land products were divided equally between the owners of the property and the tenant farmers.

The partition of the olives was equally in quantity but not in quality, because the masters of the land were not present.The tenant farmer always kept the finest quality olives.

Therefore the property owners, who could not be present, complains to the parish priest, who regularly explained to the farmers present on Sunday mass that it was still a theft, theft of quality and that was a serious sin!



AVAILABLE ON “La Bottega di Bareta – The taste of a Territory”


Storia dell'Olio del Peccato

Storia dell’Olio del Peccato